contract_awards Contract awards  

  • October 17, 1998

       The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:

    Contract #
    ToIn the
    Amount Of
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98American Asphalt Paving Co.112,515.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Atlantic States Materials of PA36,500.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Berks Products Corp.73,650.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Better Materials Corp.30,761.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Carbon Fuel Resources, Inc.25,075.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Carmeuse Pennsylvania96,400.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Commercial Stone Co., Inc.29,550.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Commonwealth Stone5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Compass Quarries, Inc.103,780.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Conneaut Lake Sand and Gravel, Inc.5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98County Line Quarry, Inc.96,915.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Culver Construction90,280.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Davison Sand and Gravel Co.150,002.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Dick Corporation15,500.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Eastern Industries, Inc.141,704.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Eureka Stone Quarry, Inc.41,125.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98G. F. Edwards, Inc.23,130.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98G. L. McKnight, Inc.70.445.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Glacial Sand and Gravel Co.62,891.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Glasgow, Inc.14,940.80
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.74,425.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Global Stone Penroc, Inc.105,875.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Grannas Bros. Stone and Asphalt Co.22,500.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Greer Limestone Co.29,050.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98H. B. Mellott Estate, Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Hasbrouck Sand and Gravel55,013.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Hempt Brothers, Inc.48,950.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Hoover Sand and Gravel Co.78,830.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98I. A. Construction117,958.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98International Mill Service, Inc.405,305.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Jay Fulkroad and Sons5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Keystone Aggregate Products Co.37,880.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Keystone Lime Co., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Latrobe Construction Co.5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Martin Limestone, Inc.62,390.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Martin Stone Quarries, Inc.146,400.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Medure Aggregates Co., Inc.43,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98M & M Stone Co.22,050.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Milestone Materials, Inc.926,496.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98National Limestone Quarry, Inc.5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co., Inc.424,697.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98PBS Coals, Inc.25,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Penn/MD Materials, Div. of Haines8,400.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Pennsy Supply, Inc.208,875.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Porters Concrete Service, Inc.51,335.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Rohrers Quarry, Inc.17,500.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Russell Minerals, Inc.121,965.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Slippery Rock Materials, Inc.49,290.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Small Mountain Quarry, Inc.46,960.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98State Aggregates, Inc.213,655.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Tri-Mark Minerals Corp.5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Valley Quarries, Inc.168,527.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Waste Management and Processors48,550.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Waylite Corp.116,485.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Wayne Gravel Products5,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98White Haven Red Rock Sales Co.21,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Wyoming Sand and Stone Co.161,283.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Listed Sources
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Buffalo Limestone, Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Codorus Stone and Supply Co., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98E. F. Lippert & Co., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98H & H Materials10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Hunlock Sand and Gravel10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Huss Contractoring Co., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Jamico Materials10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Lancaster Stone Products Corp.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98M & M Lime Co.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Meckleys Limestone Prod., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Pikes Creek Sand and Stone, Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Plumstead Materials, Div. of Naceville Materials10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Pottstown Trap Rock Quarries, Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Rhinehart Sand and Gravel, Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98Tarmac America10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98York Building Prod. Co., Inc.10,000.00
    5610-25 and 5610-25 RIP No. 110/01/98RNS Services Inc.10,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Kenwood Communications Corp.750,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Midland USA500,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Motorola, Inc.750,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Sound Communications, Inc.500,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Relm Communications, DBA BK Radio250,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Link Communications, Inc.250,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Vertex Radio Communications A Div. of Yaesu Musen USA, Inc.250,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Advanced Charger Technology, Inc.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Energy Source Distributing Co.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Bay Batteries, Inc.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Multiplier Industries Corp.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Communications Mktg. Assocs.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98AMP Incorporated, M/A Com. Div.250,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Havis Shield Equipment Corp.100,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Maxrad, Inc.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Pyramid Power Systems, A Div. of Pyramid Industries, Inc.50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Kuhn's Radio Communications, LLC50,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98K & C Communications75,000.00
    5820-0209/30/98Orbacom Systems, Inc.50,000.00
    1153228-0110/06/98Campbells Asphalt Products, Inc.29,197.00
    1188228-0110/06/98Harrington Mfg. Corp. dba/Ultra-Tech Engineering6,840.00
    1240228-0110/06/98K-B Offset Printing, Inc.35,280.00
    8249700-0110/06/98F & S Supply Company, Inc.6,600.00
    8504590-0110/06/98Fleet Parts and Electrical Service, Inc.8,340.48



    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-1741. Filed for public inspection October 16, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]


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