HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Public Hearing Concerning 2000 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program [29 Pa.B. 5469] The Housing Finance Agency (Agency) will conduct a public hearing in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, at the following location:
Location Date Time Harrisburg
Pennsylvania Housing
Finance Agency
2101 North Front StreetOctober 28, 1999 9 a.m. Purpose:
To solicit public comments concerning the proposed Pennsylvania 2000 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plan (Allocation Plan) for the Statewide distribution of the Federal low-income rental housing tax credits for projects to be placed-in-service after December 31, 1999.
The year 2000 Allocation Plan contains changes and program amendments. A copy of the Allocation Plan is available upon written request as noted. A full text of the proposed Allocation Plan is available at www.phfa.org. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments before or at the public hearing or to present oral comments at the public hearing regarding the Allocation Plan. Individuals desiring to comment on the Allocation Plan, but unable to attend the public hearing, should provide written comments to the addressee shown below prior to or at the public hearing. Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation, should contact the Tax Credit Program at (717) 780-3948. Oral comments will only be accepted at the public hearing. A copy of the proposed Allocation Plan is available upon written request to: Manager, Tax Credit Program, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, P. O. Box 8029, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8029, (717) 780-3948, TDD for Hearing Impaired: (717) 780-1869, PHFA Homepage: www.phfa.org.
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-1769. Filed for public inspection October 15, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]