DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Revised Uniform County Application for Homestead and Farmstead Exclusions [36 Pa.B. 6307]
[Saturday, October 14, 2006]Under section 341(h) of the Homestead Tax Relief Act, Act 1 of Special Session 1 of 2006 (act), the Department of Community and Economic Development (Department) gives notice of a revised County Application for Homestead and Farmstead Exclusions for use by assessors under section 341(h) of the act. The application and instructions for completion of the application follow as Annex A. Electronic copies of the application are available at This application replaces the application that was published on November 5, 2005. This form will remain in effect until changed by a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Further information can be obtained from the Department of Community and Economic Development, Customer Service Center, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Fourth Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225, (800) 379-7448,
SecretaryAnnex A
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-2021. Filed for public inspection October 13, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]