2089 Public access policy for official case records of the magisterial district courts of the fifth judicial district; magisterial district court doc. no. DJ2014-13
Title 252—ALLEGHENY COUNTY RULES ALLEGHENY COUNTY Public Access Policy for Official Case Records of the Magisterial District Courts of the Fifth Judicial District; Magisterial District Court Doc. No. DJ-2014-13 [44 Pa.B. 6554]
[Saturday, October 11, 2014]Administrative Order And Now, this 22nd day of September, 2014, pursuant to the Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Official Case Records of the Magisterial District Courts, this Administrative Order shall be effective thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin:
It is Ordered that official paper case records of the Magisterial District Courts which are public records shall be made available to the public for inspection and photocopying under the following conditions:
1. Neither a written request nor fee is required for access to and/or photocopying of a minimal number of official case records; however, actual postage may be assessed.
2. The yearly fee schedule for requests for access to and/or photocopying of voluminous or complex records at all magisterial district courts, except Pittsburgh Municipal Court, shall be:
(a) Individual staff preparation, copying and/or re-filing, for:
(i) 2014—$19.93 per hour (prorated by fifteen minute intervals).
(ii) 2015—$20.43 per hour (prorated by fifteen minute intervals).
(iii) 2016—$21.04 per hour (prorated by fifteen minute intervals).
(b) After due consideration of staff resource limitations, the impact upon the orderly conduct of court business and the responsibility to maintain the security and control of official case records at a magisterial district court, the court may determine that a constable is needed to facilitate access to official case records at a rate of $13.00 per hour, rounded off to the nearest whole dollar.
(c) After due consideration of staff resource limitations, the impact upon the orderly conduct of court business and the responsibility to maintain the security and control of official case records at a magisterial district court, where the court has determined that a constable is needed to facilitate access to official case records files, and photocopying is required, an additional constable may be designated by the court to make photocopies, at a rate of $13.00 per hour, rounded off to the nearest whole dollar.
3. The yearly fee schedule for requests for access to and/or photocopying of voluminous or complex records at Pittsburgh Municipal Court shall be:
(a) Individual staff preparation, copying and/or re-filing, for:
(i) 2014—$16.53 per hour (prorated at fifteen minute intervals)
(ii) 2015—$16.94 per hour (prorated at fifteen minute intervals)
(iii) 2016—$17.45 per hour (prorated at fifteen minute intervals)
4. Postage shall be charged at actual cost.
5. Photocopying shall be charged at $0.25 per page.
6. Pre-payment of fees may be required at the discretion of the court.
7. Applicable fees may be waived if the court determines the requestor is indigent or for other good cause.
8. Fees paid for services are non-refundable.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-2089. Filed for public inspection October 10, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]