1856 Oil and gas well permit application modifications  

  • Oil and Gas Well Permit Application Modifications

    [38 Pa.B. 5720]
    [Saturday, October 11, 2008]

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) announces modifications to the well permit application for Marcellus Shale gas well development.

       Effective October 11, 2008, applicants for well permits for gas wells to the Marcellus Shale must use the revised ''Application Addendum for Marcellus Shale Gas Well Development'' (Document 5500-PM-OGO00083) in addition to the conventional well permit application. The addendum was revised to assist the applicant in providing the supplemental information, including the water management plan, associated with the development of Marcellus Shale Gas Wells. The complete permit application, including the addendum for Marcellus Shale Gas Well Development, is available on the Department's web site at www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keywords: Gas and Oil Wells).

       Questions concerning the permit application and processing time modifications may be directed to Ronald Gilius, Bureau of Oil and Gas Management at (717) 772-2199, rgilius@state.pa.us

    Acting Secretary

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1856. Filed for public inspection October 10, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]

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