Service of 120-Day Rule Petition for Waiver under 52 Pa. Code § 53.52(b)(2) [45 Pa.B. 125]
[Saturday, January 3, 2015]Under 52 Pa. Code § 53.52(b)(2) (relating to applicability; public utilities other than canal, turnpike, tunnel, bridge and wharf companies), public utilities, other than a canal, turnpike, tunnel, bridge or wharf company, must file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) a tariff revision or supplement which will increase or decrease its bills to its customers. The utility shall submit the operating income statement of the utility for a 12-month period, the end of which may not be more than 120 days prior to the filing.
It has come to the attention of the Commission that when a public utility subject to this regulation files a Petition for Waiver of the 120-day rule, a copy of the petition is not being served upon the statutory advocates of the Commonwealth, such as the Office of Consumer Advocate, the Office of Small Business Advocate and the Commission's Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement.
Therefore, the Commission is directing all public utilities subject to this regulation to serve a copy of their Petition for Waiver upon the statutory advocates at the time the utility files its original submission to the Secretary of the Commission.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-48. Filed for public inspection January 2, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]