149 Proposed general plan approval and general operating permit for human or animal crematories (BAQ-GPA/GP-14)
Proposed General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Human or Animal Crematories (BAQ-GPA/GP-14) [36 Pa.B. 447] The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) proposes to issue the following general plan approval and/or general operating permit (General Permit) which contains predetermined Best Available Technology (BAT) and other regulatory requirements:
BAQ-GPA/GP-14 (Human or Animal Crematories)
This proposed General Permit, authorized under section 6.1(f) of the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. § 4006.1(f)) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.611 (relating to general plan approvals and general operating permits), will apply to the construction, operation and modification of both new and existing human or animal crematories.
The proposed General Permit contains conditions that prescribe applicability, compliance, notification, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting, emissions, work practice, prohibited use, operator training and administrative requirements.
Prior to constructing and/or operating under this General Permit, the permittee must notify the Department using the General Permit application form provided by the Department and receive prior written approval from the Department before initiating construction and/or commencing operation of a crematory. The permittee shall also provide with the application a letter from the local municipality and a letter from the county in which the units are located, or are proposed to be located, signed by public officials on their respective letterheads stating that ''the installation and/or operation of this crematory is not inconsistent with applicable comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances'' or ''all required zoning approvals or variances have been secured for the installation and/or operation of this crematory.'' Existing permitted crematories may either continue to operate under an existing operating permit or owners may elect to apply for authorization to use this General Permit. The application for authorization to use this General Permit must be submitted on a form provided by the Department. The owner or operator of any facility operating under this General Permit shall comply with the terms and conditions of this General Permit.
BAQ-GPA/GP-14: Human or Animal Crematories
As proposed, GP-14 is designed to serve as either plan approval and/or operating permit for human or animal crematories.
This proposed General Permit may not be used where the installation of a crematory, individually or in conjunction with other source installations or modifications, would be subject to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter D (relating to prevention of significant deterioration of air quality) or 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter E (relating to new source review).
This proposed General Permit establishes emission limits for particulate matter, sulfur oxides, visible and odor emissions and work practice standards for human or animal crematories depending on whether their constructions commenced before or after April 17, 1989.
These requirements shall be verified through stack tests or recent test data on similar sources and monitoring records of operation of these crematories. The Department also reserves the right to require an additional verification of emission rates, which may include source testing in accordance with applicable provisions of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 139 (relating to sampling and testing).
The owner or operator of the crematory shall maintain accurate records of hours of operation, number of cremations performed, fuel used, temperature maintained in cremation chambers and emissions test results. These results shall be retained for a minimum of 5 years and shall be made available to the Department upon request.
The proposed General Permit establishes the following uses and restrictions for crematories:
a. Human or animal remains may be cremated, but not both, in the same unit.
b. The crematory may only be used to cremate human or animal remains and the container used to transport the remains.
c. The crematory may not be used to dispose of any animals resulting from commercial or medical experimentation.
d. The crematory may not be used to dispose of any other type of waste.
e. The crematory may not be used to cremate human or animal bodies whose weight exceeds 500 pounds including the weight of the container.
Bodies to be cremated must have all electronic and potentially hazardous remedial devices removed prior to cremation and properly disposed. Documentation certifying compliance with this requirement shall be maintained for each cremation.
GP-14 proposes to establish comprehensive operator training requirements for crematories authorized to use this General Permit. The manufacturer's representative or another qualified training source shall provide adequate instruction to operators of each new crematory and to new operators of existing crematories including hands-on control of the unit to consist of at least two cycles of operation.
Authorizations granted to use this General Permit will be for a term of 5 years. At least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the authorization to use this General Permit, the permittee must submit an application to renew the authorization if the facility intends to continue to operate under this General Permit.
The Department proposes to establish application and permit renewal fees for GP-14 as follows: $500
A plan approval application and fee is required each time the permittee installs or modifies a crematory. The installation or modification of a crematory must be conducted according to the terms and conditions of this proposed General Permit.
Interested parties are encouraged to obtain and review a complete copy of this proposed General Permit by contacting Jeanette Van Skike, Division of Permits, Bureau of Air Quality, 12th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8468, (717) 787-4325. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Internet users can access a copy of the General Permit at www.depweb.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: Air Quality Home).
The Department invites written comments on the proposed General Permit. Notice and opportunity for comment will also be provided to the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the States of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Interested persons may submit written comments, suggestions or objections to John Slade, Chief, Division of Permits, Bureau of Air Quality, 12th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8468, (717) 787-4325. The Department will also consider written requests that a public hearing be held concerning this proposed General Permit. Written public comments must be submitted to the Department by March 14, 2006. Comments received by facsimile will not be accepted.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-149. Filed for public inspection January 27, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]