January 27, 1996 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1674215-01 01/16/96 United Restaurant Equip., Inc. 20,158.25 1711235-01 01/16/96 Griffin Motors Co. 135,506.00 1720235-01 01/16/96 Plaza Dodge/Motors Fleet 96,544.00 1722235-01 01/16/96 Plaza Dodge/Motors Fleet 53,862.00 1734235-01 01/16/96 William L. Key's 10,996.00 1761135-01 01/16/96 Casters and Parts, Inc. 11,435.52 1789215-01 01/16/96 J-O-M Pharmaceutical Services 8,425.20 1794385-01 01/16/96 Lone Maple Sales and Service, Inc. 13,154.00 1825215-01 01/16/96 J-O-M Pharmaceutical Services 50,873.35 1841385-01 01/16/96 Dugan Tractor, Inc. 9,958.00 2143155-01 01/16/96 McClure Mechanical Services 9,740.00 7910-02 01/26/96 Weisheimer's Vacuum Sales 7,390.00 7910-02 01/26/96 Clark Industries, Inc. 33,853.50 7910-02 01/26/96 Philip Rosenau Co., Inc. 22,826.20 7910-02 01/26/96 Desantis Janitor Supply Co. 16,875.00 7910-02 01/26/96 Resourcenet International 59,190.70 7910-02 01/26/96 C. R. Faber Rental and Supply, Inc. 45,397.00 8502740-01 01/16/96 U. S. Municipal Supply, Inc. d/b/a 6,886.00 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-126. Filed for public inspection January 26, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]