DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONClean Water State Revolving Fund Projects; Public Meeting on Federal FY 2003 Intended Use Plan [33 Pa.B. 612] The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) and the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) have prepared the Federal fiscal year 2003 Intended Use Plan (IUP) list of municipal wastewater projects to be considered for a construction loan from funds the Commonwealth expects to receive from fiscal year 2003 Federal appropriation acts to capitalize the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program.
The projects to be considered for a loan from the CWSRF must meet the Federal requirements for funding in accordance with Title II and Title VI of the Water Quality Act. Accordingly, the projects included in the IUP are expected to meet the requirements applicable for use of the CWSRF loan funds, including being on the Commonwealth's approved FY 2002/2003 Project Priority List (PPL), as amended. These projects are expected to proceed to construction in the near future. A project removed from an IUP is maintained on the PPL unless otherwise completed.
The FY 2003 IUP has 31 municipal wastewater construction projects listed with a total dollar value of approximately $100 million. The CWSRF will be capitalized with approximately $54 million of Federal FY 2003 funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and approximately $10.8 million of State funds. Some $37.4 million of CWSRF loan repayments will be used to allow additional project funding opportunities on the FY 2003 IUP. Some $2.7 million will be set aside for program administration costs, as described in the narrative portion of the IUP.
After the public meeting is held and an assessment is made of the comments received, the Final FY 2003 IUP will be completed. Potentially, it may include other projects from the PPL. A project must appear on the PENNVEST approved IUP before it can receive a loan from the CWSRF. A project's readiness to proceed and the reasonable availability of alternative funds also have a bearing on project selection for the IUP. Consequently, the rank ordered list of projects on the PPL does not dictate the order in which they will be chosen for inclusion in the IUP.
Federal guidance on development of the IUP directs that the project list be subject to public review and comment before being submitted to the EPA.
The Department has scheduled a public meeting for 10 a.m. on February 26, 2003, in the Auditorium of the Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA. The meeting is scheduled for the purpose of receiving comments from the public regarding the fiscal year 2003 IUP. Interested persons are invited to express their views on the priority rating or ranking of projects on the IUP at the public meeting. Persons wishing to offer comments should contact the Administrative Services Section, Division of Municipal Financial Assistance, Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, 10th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8466, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8466, (717) 787-6744 or e-mail Anthony Maisano at by 4 p.m. on February 25, 2003. Where written statements are prepared and will be submitted at the meeting, speakers will be asked to restrict the oral portion of the statement to a summary of the written comments. Speakers will be called to present their comments generally in the order of receipt of the notice of intent to appear at the meeting.
It is not necessary to appear at the public meeting to present comments on the narrative portion of the IUP or the IUP list of projects. Interested persons may submit written comments to the Department at the address previously listed. Written comments will be considered equivalent to oral statements presented at the meeting. To be considered by the Department and PENNVEST, the written comments must be received by the Administrative Services Section by the date of the meeting.
Persons in need of accommodations as provided for in the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Tony Maisano as noted previously or through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
The FY 2003 CWSRF IUP list of projects follows this notice. A copy of the list and the narrative portion of the IUP are available for public review in the following offices and are accessible electronically through the Department's website: dep/deputate/watermgt/WSM/WSM_TAO/Finan_Tech_ Asst.htm.
DEP--Southeast Region
Water Management Program Manager
Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6131DEP--Northeast Region
Water Management Program Manager
2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
(570) 826-2553DEP--Southcentral Region
Water Management Program Manager
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707DEP--Northcentral Region
Water Management Program Manager
208 West 3rd Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 327-3669DEP--Southwest Region
Water Management Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000DEP--Northwest Region
Water Management Program Manager
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942DEP--Bureau of Water Supply and
Wastewater Management
Division of Municipal Financial Assistance
Administrative Services Section
10th Floor, RCSOB
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 787-6744Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority
22 S. Third Street
4th Floor, Keystone Building
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 787-8137DAVID E. HESS,
Department of Environmental Protection
Vice Chairperson
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment AuthorityPAUL K. MARCHETTI,
Executive Director
JANUARY 25, 2003APPLICANT INFORMATION NEEDS CATEGORIES PROJECT INFORMATION Alexandria-Porter Joint Municipal Authority COUNTY: Huntingdon I: $0 IVA: $2,937,389 PROJECT NO.: CS422296-01 R.D. 1, Box 80 REGION: SC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SS Alexandria, PA 16611 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 58 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $2,937,389 PROJECT RANKING: 2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system Allegheny Township Municipal Authority COUNTY: Westmoreland I: $0 IVA: $4,052,145 PROJECT NO.: CS422238-01 136 Community Building Road REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $469,792 PROJ. TYPE: SS INT PS Leechburg, PA 15656 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 29 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $4,521,937 PROJECT RANKING: 92 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system Ambridge Borough Municipal Authority COUNTY: Beaver I: $1,800,000 IVA: $200,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422322-01 Municipal Building, 600 11th St. REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SS Ambridge, PA 15003 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 28 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $2,000,000 PROJECT RANKING: 118 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Direct sewage discharge into storm sewer system and hydraulic overloading of collection and treatment system PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of an extension to the collection system and improvements to the collection system and treatment facility Baldwin Borough COUNTY: Allegheny I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422323-01 Mun. Bldg., 3344 Churchview Ave. REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SSREH Pittsburgh, PA 15227 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 29 IIIB: $3,080,000 ELIG. COST: $3,080,000 PROJECT RANKING: 109 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading of collection system due to infiltration/inflow and deteriorated sewers PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of rehabilitation and replacement of a portion of the collection system Conneaut Lake Joint Municipal Authority COUNTY: Crawford I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422036-01 P. O. Box 271 REGION: NW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SSREH Conneaut Lake, PA 16316 NPDES NO.: N/A IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 29 IIIB: $739,990 ELIG. COST: $739,990 PROJECT RANKING: 114 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading of collection system due to infiltration/inflow PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of rehabilitation and replacement of a portion of the collection system Curwensville Municipal Authority COUNTY: Clearfield I: $828,044 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422343-01 900 Susquehanna Avenue
Curwensville, PA 16833REGION: NC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SSREH NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 19 IIIB: $636,956 ELIG. COST: $1,465,000 PROJECT RANKING: 188 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of upgrades to the collection system and treatment facility Dudley-Carbon-Coalmont Joint Municipal COUNTY: Huntingdon I: $0 IVA: $2,640,171 PROJECT NO.: CS421581-01 P. O. Box 276 REGION: SC II: $1,548,829 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STP SS INT Dudley, PA 16634 NPDES NO.: PA0084883 IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 34 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $4,189,000 PROJECT RANKING: 70 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and discharges of sewage into streams PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system and treatment facility East Brady Borough COUNTY: Clarion I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422332-01 502 Ferry Street, Suite 15 REGION: NW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SSREH East Brady, PA 16028 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 19 IIIB: $624,297 ELIG. COST: $624,297 PROJECT RANKING: 189 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading at treatment facility due to infiltration/inflow into collection system PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of replacement of a portion of the collection system East Earl Sewer Authority COUNTY: Lancaster I: $798,900 IVA: $1,639,300 PROJECT NO.: CS422346-01 P. O. Box 339 REGION: SC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STP SS Blue Ball, PA 17506 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 57 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $2,438,200 PROJECT RANKING: 3 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and well contamination PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system and treatment facility Edgewood Borough COUNTY: Allegheny I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422325-01 2 Race Street REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SSREH Edgewood, PA 15218 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 27 IIIB: $359,880 ELIG. COST: $359,880 PROJECT RANKING: 124 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Discharge of sewage into stormwater system due to cross connections and deteriorated sanitary sewers PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of replacement of a portion of the collection system Fox Township Municipal Authority COUNTY: Elk I: $0 IVA: $3,807,484 PROJECT NO.: CS422129-01 116 Irishtown Road, P. O. Box 186 REGION: NW II: $3,138,560 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STP PS SS Kersey, PA 15846 NPDES NO.: N/A IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 16 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $6,946,044 PROJECT RANKING: 213 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and effluent violations at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system extension and treatment facility expansion Glen Campbell Borough COUNTY: Indiana I: $0 IVA: $1,092,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422326-01 P. O. Box 43 REGION: SW II: $426,400 IVB: $45,600 PROJ. TYPE: STP PS INT SS Glen Campbell, PA 15706 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 41 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $1,564,000 PROJECT RANKING: 25 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Wildcat sewers discharging sewage into streams PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system and treatment facility Greater Uniontown Joint Sewage Authority COUNTY: Fayette I: $14,807,670 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422327-01 90 Romeo Lane REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD Uniontown, PA 15401 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 29 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $14,807,670 PROJECT RANKING: 103 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of an expansion project to double the size of the treatment facility Indiana County Municipal Services Authority COUNTY: Indiana/
CambriaI: $1,536,000 IVA: $2,285,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422339-01 827 Water Street REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $480,000 PROJ. TYPE: STP PS SS Indiana, PA 15701 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 35 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $4,301,000 PROJECT RANKING: 55 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and discharges of sewage into streams PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system and treatment facility Johnsonburg Municipal Authority COUNTY: Elk I: $235,020 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422333-01 520A Market Street
Johnsonburg, PA 15845REGION: NW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SSREH NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 26 IIIB: $3,644,426 ELIG. COST: $3,879,446 PROJECT RANKING: 136 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading of collection system and treatment facility due to infiltration/inflow PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of replacement of a portion of the collection system and improvements at the treatment facility Laurel Highlands Municipal Authority COUNTY: Somerset I: $459,000 IVA: $1,221,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422328-01 164 Jubilee Street REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STP SS Rockwood, PA 15557 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 38 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $1,680,000 PROJECT RANKING: 45 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Wildcat sewers discharging sewage into a stream PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system and treatment facility Lilly Borough Sewer Authority COUNTY: Cambria I: $1,627,000 IVA: $1,503,600 PROJECT NO.: CS422340-01 417 Cleveland Street REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $1,264,400 PROJ. TYPE: SS INT Lilly, PA 15938 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 35 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $4,395,000 PROJECT RANKING: 54 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Wildcat sewers discharging sewage into streams PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system Lock Haven City COUNTY: Clinton I: $2,536,011 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422294-01 20 E. Church Street REGION: NC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SS Lock Haven, PA 17745 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 26 IIIB: $592,719 ELIG. COST: $3,128,730 PROJECT RANKING: 138 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of improvements to treatment facility and collection system Middlesex Township COUNTY: Butler I: $5,050,000 IVA: $5,352,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422122-01 133 Browns Hill Road REGION: NW II: $0 IVB: $598,000 PROJ. TYPE: STP SS PS INT Valencia, PA 16059 NPDES NO.: N/A IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 34 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $11,000,000 PROJECT RANKING: 66 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system and treatment facility Mill Creek Area Municipal Authority COUNTY: Huntingdon I: $0 IVA: $1,380,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422297-01 HCR 61, Box 509A REGION: SC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SS Mill Creek, PA 17060 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 40 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $1,380,000 PROJECT RANKING: 32 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and wildcat sewers PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection system Muncy Creek Township Authority COUNTY: Lycoming I: $0 IVA: $4,549,517 PROJECT NO.: CS422289-01 575 Route 442 Highway REGION: NC II: $0 IVB: $802,851 PROJ. TYPE: INT SS Muncy, PA 17756 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 26 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $5,352,368 PROJECT RANKING: 135 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of extensions to the collection systems New Florence Borough/St. Clair Twp. San. COUNTY: Westmoreland I: $750,000 IVA: $3,000,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422167-01 P. O. Box 369
New Florence, PA 15944REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $1,650,000 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD PS INT SS NPDES NO.: N/A IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 35 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $5,400,000 PROJECT RANKING: 53 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Wildcat sewers discharging sewage into a stream PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of collection and conveyance system and treatment facility expansion Peters Township Sanitary Authority COUNTY: Washington I: $0 IVA: $582,408 PROJECT NO.: CS422341-01 3244 Washington Road REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SS McMurray, PA 15317 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 32 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $582,408 PROJECT RANKING: 80 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of an extension to the collection system Sandy Township COUNTY: Clearfield I: $0 IVA: $1,305,000 PROJECT NO.: CS422344-01 12th and Chestnut Ave., P. O. Box 267 REGION: NC II: $0 IVB: $145,000 PROJ. TYPE: PS INT SS DuBois, PA 15801 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 14 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $1,450,000 PROJECT RANKING: 232 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems and treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a collection and conveyance system Saxton Borough Municipal Authority COUNTY: Bedford I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422347-01 P. O. Box 173 REGION: SC II: $410,000 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD Saxton, PA 16678 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 16 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $410,000 PROJECT RANKING: 226 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Lack of adequate solids dewatering at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of treatment facility improvements Scranton City Sewer Authority COUNTY: Lackawanna I: $344,958 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422331-01 307 N. Washington Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503REGION: NE II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SSREH NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 34 IIIB: $2,529,693 ELIG. COST: $2,874,651 PROJECT RANKING: 74 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Deteriorated collection system allows discharge of sewage into stream; collection system inadequate to convey increasing flows from adjacent authority PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of collection system and treatment facility improvements Snake Spring Township Municipal Authority COUNTY: Bedford I: $0 IVA: $193,700 PROJECT NO.: CS422348-01 624 Penn Knoll Road REGION: SC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: SS Everett, PA 15537 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 55 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $193,700 PROJECT RANKING: 7 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of an extension to the collection system Titusville City COUNTY: Crawford I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422278-01 107 N. Franklin Street
Titusville, PA 16354REGION: NW II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD PS INT SS NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $3,449,309 PROJECT RATING: 18 IIIB: $541,191 ELIG. COST: $3,990,500 PROJECT RANKING: 205 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading of collection system and treatment facility due to combined sewers and infiltration/inflow PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of improvements to collection system and treatment facility Todd Township COUNTY: Fulton I: $196,775 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422337-01 22622 Great Cove Road REGION: SC II: $0 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD McConnellsburg, PA 17233 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 22 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $196,775 PROJECT RANKING: 169 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Deteriorated treatment facility which fails to meet effluent limits PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of treatment facility improvements Westmoreland County Industrial Park COUNTY: Westmoreland I: $0 IVA: $0 PROJECT NO.: CS422329-01 601 Courthouse Square REGION: SW II: $904,400 IVB: $0 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD Greensburg, PA 15601 NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 23 IIIB: $0 ELIG. COST: $904,400 PROJECT RANKING: 145 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Effluent violations at treatment facility PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of an extension to the treatment facility effluent pipe to discharge effluent into a larger stream, meeting effluent limits Youngwood Borough Authority COUNTY: Westmoreland I: $57,500 IVA: $143,750 PROJECT NO.: CS422330-01 17 S. 6th Street
Youngwood, PA 15697REGION: SW II: $0 IVB: $151,220 PROJ. TYPE: STPMOD SSREH SS NPDES NO.: IIIA: $0 V: $0 PROJECT RATING: 26 IIIB: $2,855,145 ELIG. COST: $3,207,615 PROJECT RANKING: 139 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Hydraulic overloading of collection system due to infiltration/inflow; malfunctioning on-lot systems PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of improvements and an extension to the collection system [Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-156. Filed for public inspection January 24, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]