119 Documents filed but not published  


    Documents Filed But Not Published

    [32 Pa.B. 402]

       The Legislative Reference Bureau (Bureau) accepted the following documents during the preceding calendar month for filing without publication under 1 Pa. Code § 3.13(b) (relating to contents of Bulletin). The Bureau will continue to publish on a monthly basis either a summary table identifying the documents accepted during the preceding calendar month under this subsection or a statement that no such documents have been received. For questions concerning or copies of documents filed, but not published, call (717) 783-1530.

    Executive Board

       Resolution #CB-01-318, Dated November 30, 2001. This resolution authorizes the side letter between the Commonwealth and AFSCME to reimburse Farm Workers 1 and 2 who work at each of the four racetracks for their safety shoes up to $65 per fiscal year. The estimated cost for 35 farm workers is approximately $2,275/yr.

    Governor's Office

       Management Directive No. 230.10--Travel and Subsistence Allowances, Revision No. 3, Dated November 27, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 315.1--Calculation and Payment of Statutory Salaries, Amended December 4, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 580.19--Promotion in the Classified Service Without Examination, Amended December 4, 2001.

    Pennsylvania Bulletin

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-119. Filed for public inspection January 18, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information