113 Mandated benefits  


    Mandated Benefits

    [32 Pa.B. 394]

       Section 9 of the Health Care Cost Containment Act (35 P. S. §§ 449.1--449.19) requires that the Health Care Cost Containment Council (Council) review proposed mandated health benefits on request of the executive and legislative branches of government. The Council has been requested by Senator Edwin G. Holl, Chairperson of the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee, to review Senate Bill 636, Printer's Number 674 (Schwartz), the Colorectal Cancer Early Detection Act. Senate Bill 636 would require health insurance policies to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screening examinations and laboratory tests for cancer for eligible nonsymptomatic individuals in accordance with the most recently published American Cancer Society guidelines for colorectal cancer screenings. Eligible individuals include: (1) individuals 50 years of age or older; and (2) individuals under 50 years of age who are at high risk for colorectal cancer according to the most recently published colorectal cancer screening guidelines of the American Cancer Society. Covered screenings include: 1) fecal-occult blood test, (2) flexible sigmoidoscopy, (3) colonoscopy, (4) barium enema and (5) other procedures as the Department of Health deems appropriate.

       Following is a list of the documentation received. This information is available for public review and comment at the Council offices during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) until February 22, 2002. Additional comments on this information must be received by this time. Council offices are located at 225 Market Street, Suite 400, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Send comments to Flossie Wolf at this address.

    Submissions for Senate Bill 636

       1.  AFLAC--American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Richard J. Gmerek of the Law Offices of Gmerek & Hayden, P.C.)

       *  Statement addressing Senate Bill 636 and requesting exemptions for supplemental insurance policies.

       2.  Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania (Kimberly J. Kockler, Director of Policy Management)

       *  Statement addressing Section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 636.

       *  Attachments addressing cancer, colon cancer screening and health insurance mandates.

       3.  Highmark (Bruce R. Hironimus, Vice President of Government Affairs)

       *  Statement addressing Section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 636.

       *  Attachments addressing colorectal cancer, health insurance and health insurance mandates.

       4.  The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania (John R. Doubman, Secretary and Counsel)

       *  Statement addressing Section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 636.

       *  Attachments addressing health care costs.

       5.  Managed Care Association of Pennsylvania (Delores Hodgkiss, Executive Director)

       *  Statement addressing Section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 636.

       6.  National Federation of Independent Business (Stephanie R. Larkin, Pennsylvania Assistant State Director)

       *  Letter opposing Senate Bill 636.

       7.  Pennsylvania Business Roundtable (Megan A. Milford, Vice President)

       *  Letter opposing Senate Bill 636.

    Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-113. Filed for public inspection January 18, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information