95 Coastal Zone Management Program; routine program changes  

  • Coastal Zone Management Program; Routine Program Changes

    [33 Pa.B. 426]

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is proposing several minor changes to the Commonwealth's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program. As required by 15 CFR 923, the CZM Program is providing public notice of the changes that occurred in 2000 and 2001.

       The changes involve:

       *  Amendments to State regulations currently networked into the CZM Program's enforceable policies.

       *  The addition of an Ocean Resources Policy.

       *  The addition of one geographic area of particular concern in the Lake Erie Coastal Zone.

       Since these changes revise the Commonwealth's Federally approved CZM Program, the changes must be reviewed by the Federal Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM).

       The Commonwealth has notified OCRM that the proposed changes are considered by the Commonwealth to be routine program changes (RPC). An RPC is defined by Federal CZM regulations at 15 CFR 923 as an action taken by a state to further detail the implementation of the state's CZM Program. Essentially, these changes are either clarifications, minor revisions or improvements, and do not substantially alter one or more of the following CZM Program areas:

       *  Uses subject to management.

       *  Special management areas.

       *  Boundaries.

       *  Authorities and organization.

       *  Coordination, public involvement and the national interest.

       Therefore, the Commonwealth has requested OCRM to concur with this determination.

       Copies of the proposed changes, RPC XI--Proposed Routine Program Changes to Pennsylvania's Coastal Zone Management Program that Have Occurred in 2000 and 2001, are available for review at the Erie County Department of Planning and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. In the Lake Erie Region, contact Autumn Plonski, Erie County Courthouse, Rm. 119, 140 W. 6th St., Erie, PA 16501, (814) 451-6017. In the Delaware Estuary Region, contact Chris Linn, 111 South Independence Mall East--The Bourse Building, Eighth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2582, (215) 592-1800. Also, copies may be reviewed in Harrisburg, PA by calling Larry Toth, Coastal Zone Management Program, (717) 772-5622.

       The RPC is available on the Department's website at www.dep.state.pa.us (directLINK ''Coastal Zones'').

       Interested parties can submit comments on whether these actions do or do not constitute an RPC. Comments must be submitted within 3 weeks from the date of this notice to Meredith Bland, Program Specialist, United States Department of Commerce, Coastal Programs Division, OCRM, SSMC4, Room 11209 (N/ORM3), 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

    DAVID E. HESS,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-95. Filed for public inspection January 17, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]

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