Title 255--LOCAL
COURT RULESMONTGOMERY COUNTY Amendment to Local Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 4019* [33 Pa.B. 341] Order And Now, this 2nd day of December, 2002, the Court hereby amends Montgomery County Local Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 4019*. Discovery Master. This Rule shall become effective thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
The Court Administrator is directed to publish this Order once in the Montgomery County Law Reporter and in the Legal Intelligencer. In conformity with Pa.R.C.P. 239, seven (7) certified copies of the within Order shall be filed by the Court Administrator with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. Two (2) certified copies shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. One (1) certified copy shall be filed with the Civil Procedural Rules Committee. One (1) copy shall be filed with the Prothonotary, one (1) copy with the Clerk of Courts, one (1) copy with the Court Administrator of Montgomery County, one (1) copy with the Law Library of Montgomery County and one (1) copy with each Judge of this Court.
By the Court
President JudgeRule 4019*. Discovery Master
In order to facilitate the prompt disposition of discovery matters, the Court adopts Local Rule of Civil Procedure 4019* implementing what shall be known as the ''Discovery Master Program'' as follows:
(1) * * * *
(2) * * * *
(3) * * * *
(4) * * * *
(5) In civil actions in which the damages sought exceed the jurisdictional limit for compulsory arbitration, any party may request the judge assigned to the case to direct the Court Administrator to list the case for a Discovery Management Conference before a Discovery Master. The Discovery Master may recommend a Discovery Management Order, which establishes the following:
(i) A date for completion of all discovery, except for depositions for use at trial;
(ii) A date for plaintiff to submit expert reports and curricula vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
(iii) A date for defendant to submit expert reports and curricula vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories.
(6) The parties may, by agreement in writing, extend any dates set forth in the Discovery Management Order.
(7) Upon request of any party, for good cause shown, the Discovery Master may recommend an extension of any dates set forth in the Discovery Management Order.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-82. Filed for public inspection January 17, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]