95 Finding--Cumberland County  

  • Finding

    [28 Pa.B. 311]

    Cumberland County

       Pursuant to the provisions of 71 P. S. Section 2002(b), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:

       The Department of Transportation plans to construct improvements to S. R. 0015 (U. S. Route 15) in Upper Allen Township, Cumberland County.

       U. S. Route 15 is a four lane divided highway that serves as a principal north/south arterial radiating from the Harrisburg area. Lisburn Road (S. R. 2004), a two lane State Highway, intersects with U. S. Route 15 approximately 1 mile north of the Cumberland/York County line. Traffic flow at the intersection is controlled with overhead traffic signals. Left turn lanes are in the median of U. S. Route 15 (Northbound and Southbound) and a left turn lane exists on eastbound Lisburn Road.

       The Preferred Alternative for the project is the construction of a grade separated, diamond interchange at the existing signalized intersection of U. S. Route 15 and Lisburn Road. This includes the construction of bridges to carry U. S. Route 15 over Lisburn Road and raising U. S. Route 15 through the project area. The alignment of Lisburn Road will not change. Approximately 1,600 feet of Cockley's Drive will be realigned and extended to the east. Local roads which currently have direct access to U. S. Route 15 in the project area will be terminated with cul-de-sacs and/or curbing. Rider Lane will be extended approximately 1,700 feet to maintain access to Mill Road. Two retaining walls are proposed to minimize impacts to Rolo Court, a mobile home park, and Park Ridge, a townhouse community.

       No adverse environmental effect is likely to result from the proposed roadway improvements.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-95. Filed for public inspection January 16, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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