DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Pennsylvania Wine Marketing and Research Program [32 Pa.B. 257] Under the applicable provisions of the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act, a referendum was held from November 26 to December 10, 2001, to determine if the producers affected by the proposed Pennsylvania Wine Marketing and Research Program (Program) desired to have the Program established. In order to pass, a majority of eligible producers voting, both by number of producers and by number of gallons of wine produced between January 1 and December 31, 2000, had to vote in favor of the Program's establishment. An impartial Teller Committee met on December 18, 2001, to count the ballots. The following results were submitted to the Secretary by the Teller Committee: a total of 45 eligible votes were cast with 39 producers voting in favor of and six voting against the establishment of the program by number of producers. Producers voted 410,676 gallons production in favor of 17,094 gallons production against the establishment of the program, based on year-2000 production. Votes favoring establishment of the Program by number of producers represented 87% of eligible votes and votes against establishment of the program represented 13% of eligible votes. Eligible votes favoring establishment of the Program by number of gallons produced in 2000 represented 96% of eligible votes and those against establishment of the Program by number of gallons produced in 2000 represented 4% of eligible votes. There were five ineligible ballots due to incomplete information or postmarks dated after the designated voting deadline. Because a majority of the votes were cast in favor of the Program, the Program shall be established, effective immediately.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-42. Filed for public inspection January 11, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]